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AspirE has 5 governing bodies: main coordinator institution (Université libre de Bruxelles); Steering Committee (SC) composed of 13 local principal investigators and 2 representatives of early career researchers; Management Board (MB) composed of the main coordinator institution, Work Package leaders, and the project’s project manager; Early Career Researchers Board (ECRB) consisted of postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and research assistants; and external collaborators comprising an External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) composed of 4 members, 1 ethics advisor, and 1 subcontracted think tank. Its ECRB representatives for the second year of the AspirE project are Laure Sizaire and Tommy Kwan. Its Ombudsperson appointed for the same period is Sirijit Sunanta, associate professor in Mahidol University in Thailand. 

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