Work Packages
WP1 – Ethics requirements
WP1 ensures that the project AspirE complies with the “ethics requirements” in each partner institution/country. The Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates this WP from month 1 to month 36 of the project.
WP2 – Socio-legal context
WP2 aims to carry out a content analysis of selected mobility policies at the EU and Member States levels (Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, and Portugal) that concern Third Country Nationals (TCNs), as well as at the country level in the Asian context involving five states (Japan, Hong Kong – China, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam). The University of Milan coordinates this WP over the course of the first 13 months of the project.
WP3 - (non-)migration decision
WP3 aims to understand the micro and meso levels of (non-)migration decision-making through semi-structured interviews and social network mapping. The Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates this WP from month 6 to month 20.
WP4 – Temporality
WP4 intends to capture the temporality of (non-)migration decision-making effectively through video diaries and a two-step focus group discussion. The University Institute of Lisbon coordinates this WP from month 13 to month 27 of the project.
WP5 – Training
WP5 aims to provide training opportunities to AspirE consortium members to acquire the necessary transferable skills to handle ethics issues related to the project and to master the use of digital tools for data-gathering and analysis. It will also offer training sessions on opening data to the public for future re-use and will organise an innovation laboratory for civil society actors. Masaryk University coordinates this WP from month 1 to month 30 of the project.
WP6 – Data management
WP6 aims to ensure that all research and dissemination actions of AspirE conform with the highest data management standards. The Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates this WP from month 1 to month 36 of the project.
WP7 – Impact
WP7 has two key goals: to ensure cohesion and consistency of project deliverables within the AspirE consortium and to implement AspirE’s impact strategy, maximising take-up of results. The Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates this WP during the lifetime of the project.
WP8 – Project management
WP8 has three main objectives. First, it aims to provide efficient management of the project to ensure that all targeted deliverables and milestones are efficiently met on time and with the resources budgeted. Second, it intends for effective reporting and communication within the project and towards the European Commission. And third, it aims to attain quality control of the project’s deliverables, re-adjustment, and corrective measures if necessary while ensuring an effective knowledge and information management. The Université libre de Bruxelles coordinates this WP from month 1 to month 36 of the project.