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Sister projects

The AspirE project is one of three EU-funded initiatives focusing on migration decisions and policies under the call "A sustainable future for Europe" (HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01). Focusing on the decision-making processes of (aspiring) migrants, the three projects – PACES and DYNAMIG, alongside AspirE – share similar but distinct goals. We aim to complement each other’s efforts, working together to increase our overall impact.


Focusing on African migrations to Europe, the PACES project examines how changes in society, individual life experiences and migration policy shape decisions to stay or to migrate over time and across countries. It also explores how this knowledge can inform future migration policies and governance. Find out more about their research HERE.


The DYNAMIG project aims to create a more thorough understanding of how people make decisions on whether and how to migrate. Focusing on Africa and Europe, it examines to what extent the diverse experiences of migrants are taken into consideration when migration policies – or policies that impact migration – are made, and how effective these policies are in shaping migrants’ decisions and behaviour. Find out more about their research HERE.

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