Sirijit Sunanta
Principal Investigator

Sirijit Sunanta is associate professor in the PhD Program in Multicultural Studies, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, Thailand. She is the principal researcher of the AspirE-Thailand team. Sirijit’s research interests include gender and migration, globalization and food cultures, and the politics of diversity in Thailand. Her recent research projects focus on care transnationalization and gendered labour in Thai health and well-being tourism. Sirijit has published widely in leading journals in the areas of Asian Studies, Migration Studies, Gender Studies and Tourism Studies. The geographical focus of her research is transnational mobilities between Europe and Thailand. With Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot, she co-edited the Special Issue on “Challenging stereotypes in Europe-Thailand transnational migration” in Advances in Southeast Asian Studies (ASEAS) published in December 2022. In collaboration with Paul Statham, Sussex Centre for migration research, she was awarded the Newton Advanced fellowship in 2018-2022. She held visiting positions at the Max Planck Institute for the Studies of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany (May-July 2013), the Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vienna (May-July 2014), Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex (June-October 2017), the Department of Sociology, University of Salzburg (April-June 2021) and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, Italy (summers of 2020, 2021, and 2022).