Sofia Gaspar
Principal Investigator

Sofia Gaspar (PhD in Sociology) is Senior Researcher at CIES-Iscte, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal. She has coordinated several projects on bi-national couples, transnational families and Chinese immigrants, and she has vastly published on this field. Her publications include the co-edition of the books The Presence of China and the Chinese Diaspora in Portugal and Portuguese-Speaking Territories (2021, Brill) and Southeast Asian Migration: People on the Move in Search of Work, Refuge and Belonging (Sussex Academic Press, 2015), and also papers in peer-review journals (International Migration; Population, Space and Place; Journal of Chinese Overseas, and Portuguese Journal of Social Science). She is co-coordinating the Thematic Section Migrations, Ethnicity and Racism of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS), and she is co-organizing the workshops Meetings on Chinese Studies and Seminar of Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Families, both at Cies-Iscte. She is also member of several international networks: CHERN - China in Europe Research Network (COST Action), CERPE - China Europe Platform on Migration, PRIMOB - Privileged Mobilities: Local Impacts, Belonging and Citizenship (IMISCOE), DIVCULT - Superdiversity, Migration and Cultural Change (IMISCOE) and Lifestyle Migration Hub.
Since January 2023, she is the local coordinator of the Iscte Team of the project AspirE, "Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to/within the EU: The case of labour market-leading migrations from Asia", on the scope of HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-01). Her current research activity is focused on the privileged migrations, investment mobilities, social integration of immigrants' descendants, particularly on the Chinese community in Portugal and Europe.