Serena Caroselli
Postdoctoral Researcher

Serena Caroselli is anthropologist and PhD in Social Sciences at the University of Genoa (Italy). She was a Junior Researcher for the INSigHT Project (Building Capacity to Deal with Human Trafficking and Transit Routes project in Nigeria, Italy, Sweden) at the Unesco SSIIM Chair of the IUAV University of Venice, dealing with human trafficking and secondary movements in Europe. She deals with transnational migrations, asylum policies in Europe, borders and secondary movements with particular attention to the relationship between migrations and gender. He carried out research along the Brenner route. She has dealt with receiving policies in Italy, temporality of migrations and feminist ethnography. She is membership ASGI (Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration) and collaborates on the MEDEA project. She has carried out research in Italy, Nigeria and Latin America preferring an intersectional and decolonial approach to the study of migration and indigenous populations. She carried out teaching activities as a cultural anthropologist at the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".
She is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan for the AspirE Project: Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to and within the EU: the case of labour market-leading migrations from Asia. She is involved in the AspirE project working on WP2, WP3 and WP4.