Quang Tuan Nguyen
Research Assistant
Mr. Nguyen Quang Tuan is a social researcher at the Institute of Sociology (IOS), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences in Hanoi. With the specialty on labour migration, social work, family transformation, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. He participated in the EU funded Project on Transdisciplinary Research and Teaching (KNOTS) led by the University of Vienna (2017-2019). He is currently a member of the early career researchers of the Japanese Core-to-Core Project on social capital led by Senshu University, Japan (2022-2024). Mr. Tuan received his BA in social work from the University of Labour and Social Affairs and his MA in sociology from the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences in Vietnam.
In the AspirE project, his role is to collect and analyze qualitative data as well as carry out the literature review, legal and policy analysis, method training (WP2, WP4, WP5) under the supervision of the team leader.