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Join AspirE's workshop on social network mapping!

13 February 2025

AspirE is organising a hybrid workshop on Friday 28/02/2025 from 13h30 to 16h30 (Hong Kong time). Team members will share their findings on social network mapping using Network Canvas.

Within Work Package 3, 280+ aspiring (re)migrants were interviewed and 440+ sets of social network maps were created using the free software Network Canvas. The goal of this workshop is to share, analyse, and valorise the maps and determine if the respondents’ social networks have a driving role in their (re)migration aspiration and/or intention. 

To join the AspirE workshop online, please fill out the registration form HERE. To join onsite, meet us at the Council Chamber of the University Education of Hong Kong (4/F, Cho Kwai Chee Foundation Building) - stay tuned for the programme!

This workshop is part of the conference titled "The challenges and future of transnational mobility/ Transnational what, why and how?". More information about the other panels and seminars HERE.

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