IOM Consultation Workshop on Viet Nam 2023 Migration Profile Report
8 July 2024

On 7 May, the International Organisation for Migration organised a Consultation Workshop on Viet Nam 2023 Migration Profile Report in coordination with the Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representatives from relevant government agencies, academia, and international organisations working in the migration area participated in the event, including AspirE team members from IS-VASS and VAPEC.
As shared by the Facebook page IOM Viet Nam / Tổ chức Di cư Quốc tế : "[t]he report is the result of close cooperation between many different agencies of the Vietnamese government, with the Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs acting as the lead agency, with financial and technical assistance from IOM. By describing and analyzing migration flows in and out of Viet Nam, the Migration Profile 2023 report – aims to provide a comprehensive evidence base that helps the government of Viet Nam build appropriate policies and programmes to better manage migration and protect migrants’ rights. At the workshop, participants praised the 2023 Migration Profile for its improvement over previous editions, while also offered constructive feedback to help finalize the report before its official launch later this year. The activity is part of the project Supporting Evidence-based Policies and Programmes in the Context of Cross-border Mobility in Cambodia and Viet Nam, funded by the IOM Development Fund (IDF)." More information about this event is available HERE.
The photos below are taken from the Facebook page IOM Viet Nam / Tổ chức Di cư Quốc tế.