Berry pickers, transnational human trafficking, and the future of Thai workers’ welfare
18 October 2024

On 13 September 2024, The Isaan Record hosted a panel at the hotel of Khon Kaen University (Thailand) on Thai workers' welfare, focusing on the exploitation of berry pickers abroad.
Jenpreeya Jampihom, a representative of the berry picking workers, shared her experience of being misled about potential earnings in Finland, where heavy deductions left her in debt. This testimony is one of many Oranuch Phonpinyo has heard as a coordinator of the network of berry pickers dealing with complaints. The panelists called for stronger regulations to protect workers, debt relief measures, and the removal of intermediaries. Dr. Ukrisdh Musicpunth, a researcher who has been advocating for a fairer recruitment for Thai berry pickers in Finland, emphasized the need for government mediation, while Phoptham Sunantham, acting director of the northeastern Office of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, advocated for better access to labour rights information and worker protection abroad.
Read more about this event in English HERE, and in Thai HERE.