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Second report on the impact of AspirE's dissemination strategies

Author(s): Catherine Gonzalez, Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot

Published on 19 December 2024

As AspirE approaches the end of its second year, the project team has prepared a report to evaluate the impact of its dissemination strategies and communication activities. This report reflects the ongoing efforts to effectively share AspirE’s progress, findings, and outputs with diverse audiences, ensuring visibility and engagement across academic and non-academic sectors.

The report provides an in-depth assessment of the effectiveness of AspirE’s Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (CD&E) Plan. It examines how well the project has achieved its goals of reaching various stakeholders through targeted strategies. Specifically, the report highlights AspirE’s two primary dissemination approaches: publications and presentations during conferences and other scientific events, which have been instrumental in engaging scholarly communities and other professional networks.

Additionally, the report showcases the project’s three key communication tools—the AspirE website, podcasts, and social media platforms—which play a central role in connecting with a broader audience. The report includes relevant statistics and metrics to illustrate the reach and impact of these tools, such as website traffic, podcast listenership, and social media engagement. These insights help measure the project’s progress while informing future improvements in AspirE’s outreach activities.

The third (final) report will be published at the end of the project (i.e., December 2025).

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