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Verso una nuova apertura alle migrazioni per motivi di lavoro in Italia? Intermediazione, rischio di frode e limbo legale nella lotteria del decreto flussi Towards a new opening to labour migration in Italy? Brokering, risk of fraud and legal-status limbo in the lottery of the 'flow decrees'

Author(s): Fabio De Blasis & Paola Bonizzoni

Published on 21 May 2024

Presented during the VI Conference "Mondi Migranti: Importatori riluttanti, esportatori di confini: le politiche migratorie tra necessità economiche e retoriche ostili", this article (in Italian) shows the development of a migration industry in Italy, focusing specifically on the role of private intermediaries dealing with the procedures for obtaining a visa or residence permit for work reason. Based on qualitative research conducted within the Aspire project, the paper explores the implementation of the labor migration policy based on annual quotas known as ‘decreto flussi,' and the role of non-state commercial actors who see opportunities for profit and speculation from the related bureaucratic and administrative procedures. The article demonstrates how the characteristics of this system - particularly its complexity, selectivity, uncertainty, and temporality - create favorable conditions for deception, fraud, exploitation, and legal status precarity of migrants.

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