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Routledge Handbook of the Vietnamese Diaspora Vietnamese migrants in the Czech Republic: Busy entrepreneurs and their children

Author(s): Adéla Souralová

Published on 13 May 2024

Adéla Souralová, PI of the Czech Republic team based in Masaryk University, published a book chapter dedicated to the migration from Vietnam to the Czech Republic.

Exploring migration from Vietnam to the Czech Republic, her book chapter draws upon qualitative research conducted with first-generation and second-generation Vietnamese migrants and aims to shed light on the characteristics of Vietnamese migration – its roots and specific features as well as expectations and post-migratory life patterns in terms of work life, family bonds, and parent – child relationships. The chapter relays the story of Vietnamese migration against a background of statistical data and published research through the voices of the people interviewed. It demonstrates how Vietnamese migrants understand past, present and future migration patterns and how these shape their daily lives.

More about this HERE.

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